
发布时间:2015-09-16 10:17:05

一、 会议时间  
1. 11月1日 9:00-20:00 注册  
2. 11月2日 8:00- 9:00 注册  
3. 11月2日 9:00- 9:20 开幕式  
4. 11月2日 9:20-12:00 大会报告  
5. 11月2日13:30-17:30 分会报告  
6. 11月3日 8:30-12:00 分会报告  
7. 11月3日13:30-15:30 大会报告  
8. 11月3日15:30-16:00 闭幕式  
二、 会议地点:北京西郊宾馆 (位置示意图见附件二)  
三、 会议论文  
所有简写本都将收入会议论文集,其中部分优秀论文改写为正式论文后,将推荐在Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering(SCI收录)上发表,此期刊不收版面费。会议将评选学生鼓励奖,颁发证书和奖金。  
四、 住宿、餐饮  
五、 分组报告  
★请登录网站(http://www.skjlespc.net )“学术交流”栏目查看分组报告安排。 
六、 注册费  
9月30日前汇款 500元人民币  
9月30日后及现场缴费 700元人民币(接受银行卡)  
银行转账:户名:清华大学 开户行:工行北京分行海淀西区支行  
账号:0200004509089131550 在备注栏注明“环境模拟”  
联系人:李瑞瑞、王志强、庞彬 通讯地址:清华大学环境学院433室 100084  
电话:010-62785684、13910754674 传真:010-62771472 Email: lrr@tsinghua.edu.cn 
Franz-Bernd Frechen 
Prof. Franz-Bernd Frechen holds the Chair of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel, Germany, since 1996. Holding several patents in the field of water treatment as well as biological industrial wastewater treatment and Odour abatement, he was elected Chair of the IWA Specialist group on Membrane Technology for the period 2014 to 2017. As educated civil engineer, he belongs to the membrane application experts both in wastewater and in water treatment and was awarded the German Federal Winner 2011 "Land of Ideas" for his waterbackpack PAUL for emergency and decentralized water supply using the Ultra Low Pressure (ULP) ultrafiltration process in dead end mode, which he investigates in Kassel since 2001. 
Valter Tandoi 
Valter Tandoi is Associate Researcher at the Water Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council. His main fields of activity are the Microbiology of Activated Sludge Process and the Remediation of Contaminated Sites. He is Author of more than 140 Publication in Refereed Journals, Associate Editor of the Journal Annals of Microbiology, he had the role of Chairman of the IWA Specialist Group on Activated Sludge Population Dynamic. He has been attributed the title of IWA Fellowship, for Scientific Excellence, in 2012, and received the "Ardern and Lockett Award" IWA MEWE Specialist Group, in 2013, for the “Outstanding contribution in the field of Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering”. 
Wen-Tso Liu 
Dr. Wen-Tso LIU is the Arthur C. Nauman Endowed Professor of Environmental Engineering & Science program at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on "water microbiome" that describes the ecological roles of microbes in different water systems including watershed, drinking water systems, and wastewater treatment and reclamation systems. The knowledge gained can be used to improve water cycling within the natural and engineered systems, and to protect the public health. Dr. Liu has served as a member of the editorial board for several leading journals in Environmental Microbiology (e.g., Microbial Ecology, the ISME J). He has published over 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. 
Mike Burch 
Prof. Mike BURCH is the Senior Manager in the department of Research & Innovation Services, Australian Water Quality Centre. Mike is also an Affiliate Associate Professor, in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide. Mike began work as an Operations Biologist for South Australian Water Corporation in 1981 and has been working in the water supply industry for over 30 years. In the last 20 years he has been involved in research and management activities related to reservoir management, in particular the control of algal blooms and toxic cyanobacteria. His expertise includes chemical control of algae, aeration and mixing, water treatment, and toxin and odour management, water quality risk assessment and guideline development. 
Korneel Rabaey 
Dr. Korneel Rabaey is professor at the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET), head of the department of Biochemical and Microbial Technology at Ghent University as well as honorary professor at The University of Queensland. He is a member of the Young Academy, and current President of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology. His main research efforts are on resource recovery from wastewater, industrial liquid sidestreams and CO2 streams from industry. Typically a combination of electrochemical and/or bioelectrochemical approaches is used to achieve formation of added value products. He is the author or co-author of over 150 refereed articles attracting over 12,000 citations in the past ten years, listing him as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. He is currently associate editor for mSystems, a recently launched journal of the American Society for Microbiology.   
Lidia Morawska 
Lidia Morawska is a Professor at the Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia, and the Director of the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH) at QUT, which is a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization on Research and Training in the field of Air Quality and Health. She is also a co-director of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management. She conducts fundamental and applied research in the interdisciplinary field of air quality and its impact on human health and the environment, with a specific focus on science of airborne particulate matter (ultrafine and nanoparticles). Professor Morawska is a physicist and received her doctorate at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland for research on radon and its progeny. Dr Morawska is an author of over four hundred fifty journal papers, book chapters and refereed conference papers. She has also been involved at the executive level with a number of relevant national and international professional bodies and has been acting as an advisor to the World Health Organization. She is a past President of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 
Weining Xiang 
Dr. Weining Xiang is a National Distinguished Professor at the College of Resources and Environmental Science, East China Normal University, and the Director of Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration (SHUES). His research is mainly focused on analysis, evaluation, and planning of urban and regional land-use and ecosystems; multi-factor evaluation approaches and their applications in planning and decision-making; GIS, spatial modeling, and planning support system. He is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Landscape and Urban Planning. 
北京西郊宾馆距首都机场38公里。 可搭乘机场班车五线(首都机场-中关村)至学院桥站,换乘375、562路至语言学院站下或搭乘出租车10分钟即可到达。或搭乘首都机场轨道客运专线至终点站东直门,转乘2号线在西直门站换乘轻轨 13号线至五道口站,步行 10 分钟即可到达。  
电话:010-62313232 传真:010-62322228   
电话:010-82379998 、8008-998-998 、4006-998-998  
地址:中国 北京 海淀区王庄路18号 100083 
价格: 460、500元/标间(含双早)、360、400元/单间(含单早)、600元/豪华单间(含单早)。房间有网络。预订流程图如下:  
一、在指定日期内登陆: 北京西郊宾馆官网 http://www.xijiao-hotel.com.cn,选择语言。  
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四. 如有疑问请致电预订部(010)62322288-5606 


